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ART OF DISHONORED 2 HC de Bethesda Games

Descripción - Reseña del editor The Empire of Isles is home to fabulous wonders beyond count, and dangers to match. Now, walk in the same steps as heroes Corvo Attano and Emily Kaldwin as you examine the complexly beautiful concept and design of Dishonored 2!ArKane Studios and Dark Horse books are proud to present this gorgeous collection, featuring hundreds of pieces of art chronicling the development of the blockbuster stealth-action title. The Art of Dishonored 2 is a must-have item for art fans and gamers alike!• Exclusive never before seen concept art from the making of Dishonored 2! • The comprehensive companion to the wildly anticipated Dishonored 2! • The art book that Dishonored fans have been waiting for! • Dishonored won the 2013 BAFTA for Best Game! This is the Official Art Book for Dishonored 2.Dark Horse was also responsible for the official Art Book for Dishonored, titled Dishonored: The Dunwall Archives (978-1616555627) Biografía del autor Bethesda Studios is the award-winning development team known around the world for their groundbreaking work on the Fallout series and The Elder Scrolls series. Creators of the 2006 Game of the Year, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion; the 2008 Game of the Year, Fallout 3; the 2011 Game of the Year, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; and most recently Fallout 4, Bethesda Game Studios has earned its reputation as one of the industry's most respected and accomplished game development studios. For more information on Bethesda Game Studios, visit bgs.bethsoft.com.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Autor: Bethesda Games
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Historia, teoría y crítica
  • Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Lee un libro ART OF DISHONORED 2 HC de Bethesda Games Libros Gratis en EPUB

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