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Wolfgang Tillmans de Chris Dercon

Descripción - Reseña del editor A new book on an artist at the height of his powers, covering the last decade and a half of his extraordinary career and designed by the artist himself Since the early 1990s Wolfgang Tillmans has established himself as one of the most exciting and innovative artists working today. The first photographer to win the Turner Prize (in 2000), his practice is characterised by constant investigation into the boundaries of the photographic medium and a preoccupation with the process of photography itself. This new publication, accompanying an exhibition at Tate Modern, will examine Tillmans's evolving practice showcasing his photography but also his video, digital slide projections, publications and recorded music. Mark Godfrey gives an overarching view of Tillmans's practice, from the physical materiality of the work, to space and installation, to his use of abstraction. Tom Holert focuses on Tillmans's relationship with politics and society, with particular emphasis on events of the last 15 years and the way Tillmans uses images and methods of distribution to examine global concerns such as migration and identity politics. Nota de la solapa A new book on an artist at the height of his powers, covering the last decade and a half of his extraordinary career and designed by the artist himself Since the early 1990s Wolfgang Tillmans has established himself as one of the most exciting and innovative artists working today. The first photographer to win the Turner Prize (in 2000), his practice is characterised by constant investigation into the boundaries of the photographic medium and a preoccupation with the process of photography itself. This new publication, accompanying an exhibition at Tate Modern, will examine Tillmans's evolving practice showcasing his photography but also his video, digital slide projections, publications and recorded music. Mark Godfrey gives an overarching view of Tillmans's practice, from the physical materiality of the work, to space and installation, to his use of abstraction. Tom Holert focuses on Tillmans's relationship with politics and society, with particular emphasis on events of the last 15 years and the way Tillmans uses images and methods of distribution to examine global concerns such as migration and identity politics. Contraportada A new book on an artist at the height of his powers, covering the last decade and a half of his extraordinary career and designed by the artist himself Since the early 1990s Wolfgang Tillmans has established himself as one of the most exciting and innovative artists working today. The first photographer to win the Turner Prize (in 2000), his practice is characterised by constant investigation into the boundaries of the photographic medium and a preoccupation with the process of photography itself. This new publication, accompanying an exhibition at Tate Modern, will examine Tillmans's evolving practice showcasing his photography but also his video, digital slide projections, publications and recorded music. Mark Godfrey gives an overarching view of Tillmans's practice, from the physical materiality of the work, to space and installation, to his use of abstraction. Tom Holert focuses on Tillmans's relationship with politics and society, with particular emphasis on events of the last 15 years and the way Tillmans uses images and methods of distribution to examine global concerns such as migration and identity politics. Biografía del autor Chris Dercon is Director Emeritus, Tate Modern Helen Sainsbury is Head of Programme Realisation, Tate Modern

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Wolfgang Tillmans
  • Autor: Chris Dercon
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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